
43 posts

Jan 13 2022

ReachOut Lottery Prize

Draw of the special prize offered by ReachOut in recognition of beta tester efforts.


Date: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Time: 4:00AM-4:30PM
Place: online
Title: ReachOut Prize Draw 
Speakers: Alexandre Lefebvre (UShareSoft)

The ReachOut H2020 project supports H2020 research projects and European SMEs to develop connections with their markets and early end-users. ReachOut provides a platform and a methodology to help them create and implement beta-testing campaigns, collect user feedback and develop their ecosystem. The feedback collected were most of the time very useful and much appreciated by campaign managers. 

The participating beta testers in one or more ReachOut beta-testing campaigns were offered several recognition and monetary rewards. Two ReachOut test{fest} contests have been organized in 2021. 

Moreover, to express our appreciation for their efforts, this online session proposed an electronic draw  to select one of the 93 beta testers who agreed to provide their contact details, out of a total of the 379 participants. 

The open source Plouf-Plouf software was used during the realtime Lottery Price Draw. This session was recorded, but as names appear during the price draw and for GDPR compliancy, the video is not public. For the same reason, we've used a selection of screenshots below. 

More photos

Dec 03 2021

European Big Data Value Forum 2021

The ReachOut BetaCenter platform will be showcased at the European Big Data Value Forum 2021


Date: Friday, December 03, 2021
Time: 9:30AM-10:00AM
Place: online and Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Title: ReachOut the beta-testing campaign platform for research projects
Speakers: Yury Glikman (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Alexandre Lefebvre (UShareSoft), Paula Forbes (Abertay University)
Official EBDVF website

Event agenda

Dec 01 2021

HELIOS BYOSMA campaign is open

Developers are invited to try the Helios Bring Your Own Social Media App

Developers with basic Android programming skills, please follow the Step-by-Step guide before providing your feedback. To get started, we are providing you a sample APP to build, with source codes in GitHub. It should be built with a recent version of Android Studio, to a minimum Android version of 9.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign

Nov 23 2021

BDVA Data Plaform Workshop

EU Data plaform projects are now ready to start their beta-testing campaigns using ReachOut!

Date: 23 Nov. 2021
ReachOut representant: Yury Glikman
Attendees: 60 from around 20 digital data projects

This workshop allows ReachOut coordinator to present the ReachOut beta-testing platform and the collaboration of DataVaults with the ReachOut team and services.
As several participating projects are now in Year 2 with prototypes available, they can follow this example and provide a beta-testing campaign during the next weeks.

Sep 15 2021


DECODER and FASTEN projects showcase their active campaigns on ReachOut

November 12-13
NOI Techpark, Bolzano, Italy

OW2 has been invited to organize a conference track at the 2021 edition of the South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon.
As one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software, it promotes the use of Free Software in digital infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness in the region.

Several OW2 projects and members will submit presentations there, including the ReachOut project, being showcased by DECODER and FASTEN H2020 projects with their respective active campaigns.

Jul 02 2021

Camel Designer Campaign is now Open

Try the new Modelio CAMEL Designer now!

Follow four simple steps and check how a software component is created and displayed in the diagram.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign

Jun 24 2021

Parsec Campaign is Open

Try Parsec on your own workstation and start sharing sensitive data stored on any cloud.


The current functions allow you to store documents and collaborate simply with complete confidentiality and integrity using public or private clouds. Try them on Windows, Mac and/or Linux.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign

Jun 09 2021

DECODER Doc2Json Campaign is open

Try doc2json and extract text/data from word/openoffice/excel documents to json format.

Developers are invited to test DECODER doc2json software. Try the current functions offered and test them on your own document environment.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign

Jun 05 2021

The Maritime Situational Awareness User Interface Campaign is Open

Try this MSA application for monitoring and forecasting maritime events, illegal activities and possible threats.


Get an overview of the current maritime situation by investigating all the current vessels location and occurred events. Track any vessels that are about to be engaged into illegal activities such as illegal Fishing. Check this new intuitive user interface to monitor and forecast events, and detect possible threats in a maritime environment.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign

May 17 2021

Wayeb Campaign is Open

Try this new CEP/F engine written in Scala with a dataset of 100 events included.


Developers are invited to test Wayeb building, recognition and forecast processes, with a simple integrated dataset, consisting of 100 events. Try it now.

For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign