43 posts
Mar 17 2021
FASTEN Call Graph Generator Campaign is Open
Experiment the Java call graph generator now!
Try this new call graph generator, an outcome of the FASTEN project to contribute in the next intelligent software package management platform introducing a fine-grained, method-level, tracking of dependencies on top of existing dependency management networks.
For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign
Mar 15 2021
Digifed - ReachOut Workshop
Exploring synergies and optimal usage of the ReachOut Beta Center with the Digifed project, and Minalogic cluster.
Date: 15/3/2021 - 13:00
Online workshop
Participants from the Digifed cascade funding project, and Minalogic cluster interact with the ReachOut team to explore synergies and optimal usage of the ReachOut Beta Center.
Minalogic is a cluster which brings together companies and their partners to develop digital technologies on twelve application markets. The supported technologies fit into four strategic fields: micro/nanoelectronics, photonics, software, content & uses. More about Minalogic
This meeting provided a chance to contact more European innovative organisations and research projects through the Smart Anything Everywhere project and the Smart for Europe 2 Support Action
Feb 06 2021
Fosdem 2021: ReachOut is showcased on OW2 virtual booth
The ReachOut project team is participating in FOSDEM 2021, an online-only edition this year. OW2 Management Office team members and project members remain available throughout the weekend to answer questions from connected decision makers, IT professionals and open source developers.
The ReachOut platform presents beta-testing campaigns of innovative software and rewards participating beta testers.
- Read the ReachOut at Fosdem 2021 Press Release
- Please, join the OW2 virtual booth at your convenience, from home. No registration required.
Jan 27 2021
ReachOut Webinar 27 January 2021
Date: 27/01/2021
Topic: How to build an efficient and attractive testing scenario?
Duration: 1 hour
This webinar presents the basics to start using the ReachOut platform and create a beta-testing campaign - create an account, create a campaign, tune the feedback questionnaire, use the campaign monitoring and reporting dashboard. Participants are also discovering several tips to build an effective and attractive testing scenario.
Dec 15 2020
Open Research Webinars, December 15, Online
Open Research Webinars is a new webinar series launched by OW2 and the Eclipse Foundation. The aim is to introduce european software research projects that help shape the future of open source software and the IT industry. The webinars will focus on international partners leveraging open source in European publicly-funded collaborative research and innovation programs.
Find more about Open Research Webinars:
ReachOut was presented in the series launch on December 15, at 16:00 CET.
Dec 09 2020
Ledger Webinar : OSS licensing and business models
ReachOut is presented during this webinar organized by Ledger project.
Date: December 9 at 3:00PM.
Place: Online
Dec 08 2020
ReachOut December Newsletter 2020
Discover the latest ReachOut campaigns and next events
Nov 30 2020 Campaign is Open
Unlish the power of sensitive data with! Make your dataset synthetic and enable safe data sharing between companies.
Try this new software to generate realistic artificial data and enable safe data sharing between companies.
Using a new trend in Machine Learning, it creates a dataset that’s fully synthetic, i.e. does not contain data of real people or entities, but yields the same results upon statistical analysis. Because it does not contain real data, it is privacy-preserving and GDPR compliant.
For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign
Nov 22 2020
Databench Toolbox Campaign is Open
This campaign aims at getting content in the form of new architectural big data/AI blueprints mapped to the BDV reference model and the DataBench pipeline/blueprint. In this campaign, the beta testers are advanced users that would like to contribute with practical examples of mapping their architectures to the generic blueprints.
Testers should study the available DataBench information and guidelines. Then using the provided steps testers should prepare their own mappings, resulting diagrams and explanations, if any. The Toolbox provides a web form interface to upload all relevant materials that will be later assessed by an editorial board in DataBench before the final publication in the Toolbox.
For more instructions, please read the full beta-testing campaign
Nov 16 2020
Smooth GDPR Campaign is Open
Check your GDPR compliance using the Smooth platform.
This campaign targets Micro enterprises and SMEs to adopt and be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Thanks to aims to the SMOOTH project, they can implement easy-to-use and affordable tools to generate awareness on their GDPR obligations and analysing their level of compliance with this data protection regulation.
The Entry Questionnaire automatically generates a Compliance Report that provides a series of recommendations to improve your company’s compliance with the GDPR. Check more about the initiatives and give the Smooth platform a try.
For more instructions, please read the campaign instructions