The GeoTriples Spark campaign aims to check if the program can handle any given term map. Feel free to try and execute the project with different term maps, to check how it handles them.
Try the GeoTriples Spark beta release, an extended version of GeoTriples capable of transforming big geospatial data into RDF graphs. To enable the transformation of big geospatial data, GeoTriples has been extended to run on top of Apache Spark and Hadoop or Hops (a new distribution of Apache Hadoop developed by KTH, RISE SICS, and Logical Clocks AB).
GeoTriples-Spark can run in a standalone machine or in a Hadoop based cluster, but it is more efficient when it runs on Hops as it is a write-intensive application.
Publishing geospatial data as Linked Open Geospatial Data
GeoTriples generates and processes extended R2RML and RML mappings that transform geospatial data from many input formats into RDF.